Programme – timings to be confirmed
- 9.30 Doors open
- 10.00 Welcome – David Dawson, Director Wiltshire Museum
- 10.05 Wiltshire and Swindon Archaeology Roundup – Melanie Pomeroy-Kellinger (Wiltshire Council)
- 10.30 Rediscovering Australia – archaeological research and modern day ‘diggers’– Sharon Soutar (Historic England) and Helen Roberts (Map of Australia Trust)
- 10.55 Rare metalworking find from a Bronze Age site in North Wiltshire – Laszlo Lichtenstein (Wessex Archaeology)
- 11.35 The Real Wolfhall: Exploding the Myths – Graham Bathe and Robin Holley
- 12.00 Aerial Archaeology in Wiltshire – Helen Winton (Historic England)
- 12.30 LUNCH
- 13.30 The impact of Spearheads and Spitfires. 8 years of Operation Nightingale in Wiltshire – Richard Osgood (MoD)
- 14.00 Being human: walking and wellbeing in ancient landscapes – Laura Drysdale, Yvette Staelens, Daniel O’Donoghue (Human Henge project – Restoration Trust / Richmond Trust)
- 14.30 ‘The Old Sarum Landscapes Project. The Late Saxon and Medieval Evidence for a Western Suburb of Old Sarum’ – Kristian Strutt (Southampton University)
- 15.00 TEA
- 15.30 Wroughton Pit alignments and Iron Age settlement – Alistair Barclay (Cotswold Archaeology)
- 16.00 ‘Boscombe and the Bomb: the archaeology of Mass Destruction in Wiltshire’ – Bob Clarke (Wessex Archaeology)
- 16.30 CLOSE
Organised with the Wiltshire Archaeology Field Group.