Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm.

Archaeology in Wiltshire Conference 2025

We are back with our popular Archaeology in Wiltshire Conference at the Corn Exchange in Devizes. We expect to be welcoming over 150 people to hear a host of speakers, browse stands and bookstalls and meet and make friends over lunch.

DRAFT Programme as of 27/1/2025) We will be adding more details as they become available.

10.00 Introductions

10.05 Melanie Pomeroy-Kellinger, Wiltshire Council Archaeology Service

Archaeology in Wiltshire 2025: An overview and update.

This year’s session will cover the most significant site and finds that have been discovered over the last 12 months from the perspective of Wiltshire Council’s Archaeology Service, including a “find of the year”! We will also pay tribute to the valuable work in Wiltshire  and beyond of Professor Tim Darvill OBE.

Four people from the Wiltshire Council Archaeology team in front of a trilithon at Stonehenge

Time TBC Chantal Conneller (University of Newcastle), Ben Chan (University of Bristol) and Joshua Pollard (University of Southampton)

Hoofprints, springs and middens: more on the Mesolithic and Neolithic at Cherhill

This talk will describe the results of further excavation and palaeoenvironmental work at Cherhill, west of Avebury, undertaken during 2024. Expanding upon areas previously investigated, we are building up a detailed image of activity during the Late Mesolithic and Middle Neolithic phases, especially. Of particular note are the very well-preserved traces of Late Mesolithic activity around an area of tufa springs, with animal hoofprints (aurochs and deer) and a notable scatter of worked flint, bone and antler, including a series of placed deposits. The record is proving rich and quite exceptional. We will also outline plans for further work during 2025.

View from above of an archaeological excavation, with four people excavating

Time TBC Dr Denise Wilding (Teffont Archaeology) and Dr David Roberts (Cardiff University)

Garsons Field Roman villa in the Chalke Valley

In September 2024 Teffont Archaeology, funded by the Chase and Chalke NLHF Landscape Partnership Scheme, undertook two weeks of community-focused excavation in the Chalke Valley, Wiltshire. The excavation and accompanying geophysical survey revealed a previously undiscovered well-appointed Roman villa and other significant associated features.  This presentation will set out key initial results from the site and its wider significance as the only villa yet known in the Chalke Valley. We will also highlight our approach to working with local communities, demonstrating strong positive impacts on wellbeing, confidence and engagement with heritage.

Archaeologist in a trench placing a drawing frame in position with stonework visible

Time TBC Sophie Hawke and the Portable Antiquities Scheme team, The Salisbury Museum

Portable Antiquities Scheme in Wiltshire

An overview of archaeological finds made recently by members of the public, together with PAS work in Wiltshire. We will take a closer look at some of the more interesting discoveries.

Finds Liaison Officer and a group of people discussing a find at an event held at Salisbury Museum

Time TBC Matt Leivers, Andy Crockett, Erica Gittins, Clare King; Wessex Archaeology

More Archaeology on the A303

Between 2016 and 2024, Wessex Archaeology undertook 54 separate pieces of fieldwork in preparation for National Highways’ proposed A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down Scheme, in essence an west–east transect running from immediately east of Yarnbury hillfort in the west to immediately west of Countess Roundabout in the east. Full publication of the results is in preparation, but assessment of the results has provided interesting insights into both the ceremonial and the more quotidian aspects of life in what are the often-ignored hinterlands of the Stonehenge environs, many of which contribute to the Outstanding Universal Value of the Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites World Heritage Site. This talk will present a brief overview of the results as they are currently understood, and suggest the ways in which they might contribute to a fuller understanding of the development of the Stonehenge Environs over several millennia.

guided walk in Stonehenge Ceremonial landscape

Time TBC Clare Randall, Cotswold Archaeology

Bring the ancestors: Iron Age burials, pits and settlement at the Collection Management Facility, Science and Innovation Park Swindon


Time TBC Wiltshire Archaeology Field Group

Recent Projects


Aerial view showing fields and hedgerows with some archaeological features visible in the pasture.

Time TBC Ruth Panes, Wessex Archaeology

Archaeology Revealed on the North Wessex Downs Visual Improvement Project


View across the Vale of Pewsey from Roundway Down showing the pylons to be removed during the project

Time TBC Richard Osgood, MoD/DIO

Finding a Fox in the hut: the Band of Brothers at Aldbourne

Excavations in Aldbourne with Time Team continued in 2024 with a further examination of the hut lines used by the paratroopers of the American 101st Airborne Division. This talk will draw together the findings of this season and draw together conclusions from the four years of fieldwork.




Image of 3 people looking at the excavation of a sheet of corrugated iron. One has a Digging Band of Brothers sweatshirt, one is wearing US WW2 paratroop camoflague uniform.

There will be a sale of high quality pre-owned archaeological publications at bargain prices. Please bring some sturdy bags for your purchases!

There will also be stands from a range of organisations including archaeological contractors and groups such as the Association of Roman Archaeology and Victoria County History


Booking Essential: Tickets must be purchased in advance and include lunch and tea/coffee. In previous years, we have sold all the available tickets.

  • Non-Member - £39.00
  • Member - £29.00
  • Student - £16.00 (with proof of status)

Sunday 16 March; 10.00am to 5pm (lunch included).

Terms and Conditions
Unless sold out, bookings will close at 9 am on 12 March to allow confirmation of catering.  To be added to the waiting list please email

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