Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm.

LECTURE: Eat Like a Viking

Come along and join Craig Brooks (The Saxon Forager) and get a taste of Anglo Saxon and Viking age cuisine.

He’ll be talking about and demonstrating some of the recipes from his book (Eat Like a Viking), and there will be an opportunity to have a sample of some of the food.

Date: Saturday 8 February

Tickets: £8 (£6.50 WANHS members) – booking essential.

Time: Start 2.30 pm

Location: Wiltshire Museum

Accessibility:  The activity will take place in the Museum's lecture hall, located on the first floor.  This is accessible via a platform lift.  More details about accessibility can be found here.

Parking: there is a small car park to the rear of the Museum buildings.  Please park with care and consideration to ensure as many vehicles as possible can use the space.

Terms and Conditions
Unless sold out, online bookings will close at 9 am on the day of the event.
Booking for events
Cancellations, Refunds and T&Cs
No responsibility can be accepted by the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (the Society) for accidents or injury sustained during the course of any event arranged by the Society.

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