
Summary: Fragment of fine sandstone whetstone or hone stone with rounded edges and 2 x flat, smooth faces with almost polished appearance in places. From fieldwork undertaken by the WANHS Archaeology Field Group at Cumberwell, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire 2008-2010. This artefact was found during initial fieldwalking in 2008. Given the broader assemblage this is likely to be Roman in date but could be Medieval/Post-Medieval.
Research results
A whetstone or rubber fragment found during the Wiltshire Archaeology Field Group excavation of the Roman settlement site at Cumberwell, Bradford-on-Avon, 2008-2010. Unfortunately, the paper archive of the excavation has been lost and the site has not been published except for preliminary analyses of the excavated and field walked finds. From these and geophysical survey results the site can be identified as an agricultural settlement of relatively low wealth, although with substantial stone-built structures.
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