
Summary: 3 tanged and barbed arrowheads of perfect symmetry and craftsmanship (originally 4 were found), found with a primary crouched inhumation in bowl barrow Wimborne St. Giles G9, excavated by William Cunnington
Research results
Three Early Bronze Age flint barbed and tanged arrowheads, of an original four, found with a primary crouched inhumation in bowl Barrow Wimborne St. Giles G9, excavated by William Cunnington. These arrowheads are extremely finely made, and are reminiscent of Armorican arrowheads from the north of France, and were almost certainly made in immitation of them. A recent study of Armorican arrowheads has shown that the vast majority are found in graves, whilst an extensive study of use wear has shown that the arrowheads were potentially made from blanks which had been transported some distance and that some had been used to cut grass prior to being hafted, suggesting a potential ritual component to their use.
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