Summary: 1 axe fragment of well ground white flint (much used) found with a primary male and female (shaman/metalworker?) inhumation in bowl barrow Upton Lovell G2a, excavated by William Cunnington
Research results
A fragment of a polished flint axehead found as a grave good in the Early Bronze Age primary double-inhumation from Upton Lovell G2a, a barrow excavated by William Cunnington in 1801. The grave, said to be of a male and female skeleton, contained a range of unusual grave goods now thought to be metal working tools, and this in part led to the suggestion that this was the burial of a 'shaman'.
This object and the other grave goods found with the Upton Lovell G2a primary double-burial have been examined by Tsoraki et al. (in prep.) as part of the Beyond the Three Age System project. This analysis identified use wear consistent with its use in crushing haematite.
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