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Assize Court Planning application now online – have your say!

A planning application has been submitted for the revitalisation of the Devizes Assize Court as a new home for the Wiltshire Museum

A major milestone has been reached in the project to rescue the derelict Devizes Assize Court building. A planning application has been submitted to Wiltshire Council outlining plans to restore the ‘at risk’ Grade II* listed Devizes Assize Court and transform it into a new home for the Wiltshire Museum. This significant step forward follows news that £1 million has already been raised towards the project, through support from the Rothschild Foundation and the Julia Rausing Trust.

Wiltshire Museum and the Devizes Assize Court Trust (DACT) have been working together to develop the project ‘Assizes for Devizes: Unlocking Wiltshire’s Stories’, which received initial funding support of £300,748 from The National Lottery Heritage Fund in June 2023. Thanks to National Lottery Players, the project has been progressing through it’s ‘Development Phase’ – a two-year planning period to develop architectural plans, alongside designs for the Museum’s new galleries and an exciting programme of community activities and events.

The project’s architects, Purcell, and their experienced design team have worked closely with the Museum, DACT and local organisations, to bring to life a shared vision for the new site as a cultural and community destination at the heart of Wiltshire. The plans include two large, designated learning and event spaces, new interactive galleries, a special display space capable of hosting national-standard exhibitions, and a café that makes use of the new open space behind the Assize Court.

Clare Phillips, Lead Architect, Purcell, said “We have all enjoyed the collaborative process of unlocking the potential of the former Assize Courts to create a welcoming and inclusive new home for the internationally significant Wiltshire Museum collection. The project is very important because it restores the impressive Grecian style building designed by Thomas Henry Wyatt, which is in very poor condition, and brings it back into community use as part of the sharing and celebrating of Wiltshire’s stories.” – 

The planning application will be open for public consultation on the Wiltshire Council website until 13th February from this link on the Wiltshire Council Planning Portal. The Museum is running a free online briefing session on Monday 3rd February at 7pm, and you can sign up through the Museum website (

An application to The National Lottery Heritage Fund will be submitted in summer 2025 for the major funding that is needed to make the project a reality. Over the next 6 months, the Museum will be preparing applications to Trusts and Foundations, as well as seeking support from philanthropists and benefactors. If successful, work on the building will begin during 2026, with the aim to open the building in 2030.

A major public fundraising appeal will be launched once the major commitment from The National Lottery Heritage Fund has been secured. In the meantime, you can support the project by joining the Wiltshire Museum, by becoming a member of the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society – the charity that runs the Museum. Members are supporting this phase of the project, investing over £30,000 each year.

Caroline Kay, Chair of Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, said “The submission of tangible proposals for planning permission is a demonstration of our determination to make real the dream of a new museum and new life for the Assize Court. Along with the recent announcement of the first million pounds achieved, we hope these two steps will act as encouragement for more people, funders and organisations to get behind the project and deliver its benefits for Devizes and beyond.”

Peter Troughton, Chair of the Devizes Assize Court Trust, said “We are delighted to have reached this important milestone in our project to restore the Devizes Assize Court and bring it back for the people of Devizes for community use. The Trust is very grateful for the support we have had so far. There is still a long road ahead of us, but to see our vision of a revitalised building one step closer to fruition is fantastic.”.

Notes for Editors

Wiltshire Museum

Wiltshire Museum is home to the best Bronze Age archaeology collection in Britain and our mission statement is ‘Inspiring people to explore the archaeology, history and environment of Wiltshire’.  The collections are Designated by Government as being of National Significance.  Wiltshire Museum is an independent charity, with some revenue funding from Wiltshire Council and Devizes Town Council.  The Museum is run by the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (WANHS), a registered charity founded in 1853.

Devizes Assize Court Trust

The Devizes Assize Court Trust is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation set up in 2018 to restore the historic and much-loved building before it is too late. It purchased the building in 2018 and, working closely together, the Museum and DACT have developed the Assizes for Devizes project to rescue the historic building and transform the Wiltshire Museum.

The Development Phase of Assizes for Devizes is also supported by funding from Devizes Town Council, Dulverton Trust, Pilgrim Trust, Swire Charitable Trust, Trust for Devizes, Wiltshire Council - Devizes Area Board.


Purcell is the largest team of heritage experts working in architecture. Our work ranges from award-winning sustainable new buildings, conservation, restoration, retrofit, and adaptive reuse of existing buildings, as well as masterplanning and heritage consultancy. With an outstanding portfolio of world-class projects across the UK and Asia Pacific we are ranked No.1 for heritage in the WA100 listing.

Current projects include our role as heritage architect for a major reworking of the Sainsbury Wing at the National Gallery with Selldorf Architects and our £40m restoration and upgrade programme for Manchester Town Hall. We are continuing our extensive conservation works to the Palace of Westminster. Recently completed projects include our RIBA Award-winning extension to the chapel at Radley College, the remodelling of the National Portrait Gallery in collaboration with Jamie Fobert Architects and as brick conservation architects for Battersea Power Station.

About The National Lottery Heritage Fund

*National Lottery Heritage Fund grant applications over £250,000 are assessed in two rounds. £300,748 has initially been granted support by The National Lottery Heritage Fund allowing it to progress with its plans. Detailed proposals are then considered by The National Lottery Heritage Fund at second round, where a final decision is made on the full funding award of £4,697,171.

Using money raised by the National Lottery, we inspire, lead and resource the UK’s heritage to create positive and lasting change for people and communities, now and in the future.

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