Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm.

Archaeology in Wiltshire Conference 2022

We are back with our popular Archaeology in Wiltshire Conference at the Corn Exchange in Devizes. We are planning to welcome over 150 delegates to hear a host of speakers, browse stands and bookstalls and meet and make friends over lunch.

Ticket sales will close at 4pm on 21 May.  Please note: the Museum will not be open on Sunday 22 May.

As at 20 May all Ticket Holders have received a reminder and details of the day.


10.00 Introductions

10.05 Josh Pollard, University of Southampton, West Kennet Palisade Enclosures

Talk about excavations at the late Neolithic West Kennet enclosures during 2019 and 2021, and especially those relating to an outlying enclosure known as Structure 5. We now know that Structure 5 began as a monumental timber setting, perhaps a building. It, or its remains, were subsequently enclosed in a henge earthwork then two palisades. Numerous small pits and at least one grave were dug into the site of the timber setting at the end of the 3rd millennium BC, and large quantities of a non-local rock, granodiorite, buried on the site. The late Neolithic/Chalcolithic world in which the palisades were created and used will be briefly explored, as will the long-distance connections evidenced by artefacts and  isotopes.

10.30 Jessica Lowther, Headland Archaeology, Roman sites in South Swindon

10.55 Liam Wilson, Cotswold Archaeology, Roman Settlement and After in the Malmesbury Area

11.20 Comfort break


Three archaeologists in high-viz excavating a site

11.40. Unearthing a Lost Narrative: Rethinking Devizes’ First Chalk Horse
Garry Gibbons, Curator, Uffington Museum

Established 150 years ago, the creation narrative of Devizes' first chalk horse has remained largely taken-for-granted. Recent survey and research work now suggests the chalk horse may be older and stylistically more in keeping with Wiltshire's wider stable of equine chalk horses than previously claimed.

11.50 Wil Partridge, Wiltshire Museum, Unlocking Museum collections research

12.00 Tony Hack, Lacock Abbey graffiti

Wiltshire Medieval Graffiti Survey present an overview of their continuing work at Lacock Abbey. Using a variety of photographic techniques to record historic graffiti at Lacock Abbey in a fitting homage to W.H. Fox Talbot.

12.10 Sophie Hawke, Salisbury Museum, Recent PAS finds

12.20 Phil Andrews, Archaeology Field Group Plans for 2022

With the recent completion of two long-term projects, we look forward to a very busy 2022 and beyond – in the field and at the museum.


12.30 LUNCH

2.00 Melanie Pomeroy-Kellinger, Wiltshire Council Archaeology Service, County Round-up

2.25 Dr Phil Harding, Wessex Archaeology, Bulford


2.50pm. The Pippins, Calne – the evolution of a burgage plot

Tom Rogers, Worcestershire Archaeology

Excavations to the rear of the former Barclays Bank in Calne revealed a series of well-preserved structures and cut features including well-built stone boundary walls, medieval rubbish pits, postholes and ditches, a stone building, stone cisterns and a lime kiln which provide a window on the evolution of a burgage plot from establishment to the present day.

3.15pm TEA

3.45 An Anglo-Saxon cemetery in the Stonehenge Landscape
Dan Carter, AC Archaeology

This presentation outlines the interim excavation results of a previously undiscovered Anglo-Saxon cemetery on the eastern fringe of the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, near West Amesbury, undertaken in February 2021 by AC archaeology Ltd

Three trowels logo of WAFG

4.10 pm. Exercise Ring-Giver: a Seventh Century Cemetery on Salisbury Plain.

Richard Osgood, Defence Infrastructure Organisation.

The 2021 Operation Nightingale programme focussed on a 7th Century Site on Salisbury Plain. The dig uncovered over 20 burials with grave goods telling a story of transitions and trade.

There will be a sale of high quality pre-owned archaeological publications at bargain prices. Please bring some sturdy bags for your purchases!

There will also be stands from a range of organisations including archaeological contractors and groups such as the Association of Roman Archaeology and Victoria County History


Booking Essential: Tickets must be purchased in advance and include lunch and tea/coffee. In previous years, we have sold all the available tickets.

  • Non-Member - £35
  • Member - £25
  • Student - £15 (with proof of status)

We will be investigating options for making recordings.

Sunday 22 May; 10.00am to 4pm (lunch included).

Terms and Conditions
Unless sold out, bookings will close at 9 am on the day of the conference.
Booking for events
Cancellations, Refunds and T&Cs

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