Postponed - a new date will be arranged for January (21/11/23)
an online talk by Selena Carty, founder of BlackPoppyRose.
Selena Carty is Cultural & Ancestral Genealogist, Global War Heritage Specialist and an Identity & Empowerment Consultant. She founded the BlackPoppyRose CIC & BlackRose of Remembrance in 2010 to remember the African, Black, West Indian, Caribbean, Pacific Islands & Indigenous Nations contributions to Wars/Revolutions/Rebellions since the sixteenth-century. Using symbols, wreaths, artefacts and more to empower and educate communities world-wide.
Tickets: FREE – booking essential to ensure we send the Zoom link.
Ticket sales close at 5pm on the day of the lecture.
Time: Start 7.30pm
Location: An online event, using Zoom webinar – the link will be emailed on the day of the lecture. If you book on the day of the lecture (before 5 pm), you will receive the link before 7 pm.
The exhibition Lest We Forget: The Black Contribution to the World Wars in Wiltshire is funded by AiM (Association for Independent Museums) and Arts Council England.