Archived events
WW2 and Devizes: The Home Front – ONLINE TALK
A talk recorded on the 75th Anniversary of VE Day in May 2020 by Museum Director, David Dawson, that outlines some of the ways in…
CANCELLED: Curious Kids – Wildlife
We are not currently taking bookings for this event, pending the lifting of government restrictions due to Covid 19. Come along for 50 minutes of…
CANCELLED: World Heritage Day – Egyptian themed drop-in activities
In the light of Government advice to contain the spread of the Coronavirus Corvid-19, the decision has been taken to CANCEL this event. We will…
CANCELLED: Easter Activities – Ancient Egyptian themed Family Workshops
In the light of Government advice to contain the spread of the Coronavirus Corvid-19, the decision has been taken to CANCEL this event. We will…
CANCELLED: Easter Activities – Ancient Egyptian themed Family Workshops
In the light of Government advice to contain the spread of the Coronavirus Corvid-19, the decision has been taken to CANCEL this event. We will…
CANCELLED – Easter Activities – Relaxed Session for ages 6 to 11
In the light of Government advice to contain the spread of the Coronavirus Corvid-19, the decision has been taken to CANCEL this event. We will…
CANCELLED: Easter Activities – For under 6s
In the light of Government advice to contain the spread of the Coronavirus Corvid-19, the decision has been taken to CANCEL this event. We will…
Easter Weekend – CLOSED
In the light of Government advice to contain the spread of the Coronavirus Corvid-19, the Museum is closed for the foreseeable future. For ideas and…
CANCELLED: Easter Holiday Activities – Easter themed
In the light of Government advice to contain the spread of the Coronavirus Corvid-19, the decision has been taken to CANCEL this event. We will…
CANCELLED: Easter Holiday Activities – Easter themed
In the light of Government advice to contain the spread of the Coronavirus Corvid-19, the decision has been taken to CANCEL this event. We will…
CANCELLED: Easter Holiday – Easter Egg Hunt
For ideas and activities during this period of isolation visit our Museum at Home pages - a hub for all our online content to provide…
POSTPONED: Curious Kids – Stonehenge
In the light of Government advice on 16 March 2020 to “stop non-essential contact with others” and to “Avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other such…
CANCELLED: Relaxed Opening – Autism Awareness
In the light of Government advice on 16 March 2020 to “stop non-essential contact with others” and to “Avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other such…
POSTPONED: Devizes Castle – Norman Stronghold to Victorian Folly
In the light of Government advice on 16 March 2020 to “stop non-essential contact with others” and to “Avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other such…
POSTPONED: Devizes Ghost Walk – March
Due to the current situation with Covid-19 this event has been postponed to a future date. We will be contacting tickets holders with options. 23/3/20…
POSTPONED: Archaeology in Wiltshire Conference 2020
In the light of Government advice on 16 March 2020 to "stop non-essential contact with others" and to "Avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other such…
Romano-British Pewter in Wiltshire
1,500 years ago, groups of people across Wiltshire were carefully burying large collections of their best pewter tableware. Where they offering to the gods or…
Young WANHS – Medieval Medicines and Cures
* SOLD OUT * Find out about some of the weird treatments used in medieval times to treat illness. Then look at some of the…
Dementia Friendly Tour – March
* NEW * - Dementia Friendly tours are led by Museum staff and supported by our Community Curator, Sarah Gregson. These tours are opportunities for…
Curious Kids: Stonehenge Gold
Come along for 50 minutes of stories and multi-sensory fun for families with curious minds – for children ages 2 to 5. Connect to the…
Recent excavations at West Kennet Palisades enclosures
by Josh Pollard. *SOLD OUT* - to be added to the waiting list please email Afternoon lectures last approx. one hour and are held…
A Behind The Scenes Tour of Wiltshire Museum (for members only)
This tour, Led by Director David Dawson is only for members of the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. It provides an excellent overview of…
Devizes Ghost Walk – February
Join local historian John Girvan on this Ghost Walk – and dowse the gallows site – if you dare! For adults (£6.50) and children (£4)…
Relaxed Opening – Autism Awareness
We welcome children and adults on the autism spectrum at all times at Wiltshire Museum. However, we also understand that there can be challenges for…
Holiday Activities – Stars and Space
In a change to our previously publicised event (Stone Age discoveries) the theme for the Wednesday activities will now be 'Stars and Space'- inspired by…