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Calne Fates sculpture

This sculpted block has been identified by Dr Martin Henig as depicting the three ancient goddesses of fate, the Parcae , and may come from a substantial an important Roman funerary monument. The sculpture is still being researched by Dr Henig and a note has been published in the newsletter of the Association for Roman Archaeology. A full publication is planned.

It was discovered at St Mary's School in Calne, where it had once fomed part of a summer-house in the School grounds. When found, the face was covered in moss, which had been damaging the stone. It has now been conserved by Andrew Ziminiski of Minerva Stone Conservation, and is on display in our Roman Gallery. We are grateful to St Mary's School, Calne for the generous loan of the sculpture.

The stone has been recorded by Tony Hack using a variety of techniques to bring out the detail in the carving to allow the interpretation of the figures shown on the stone. He has created a 3D Sketchfab model that can be seen and manipulated online..

Click on the image to launch the 3D model in SketchFab

Find out more about Roman Calne and the Fates sculpture by watching this online talk by our Director.

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