Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm.

Archaeology in Wiltshire Conference 2023

Sold out - to be added to the waiting list please email


We are back with our popular Archaeology in Wiltshire Conference at the Corn Exchange in Devizes. We will be welcoming over 150 people to hear a host of speakers, browse stands and bookstalls and meet and make friends over lunch.

nb Programme updated 22.3.2023

10.00 Welcome
10:05 Melanie Pomeroy-Kellinger, Wiltshire Council, Overview of Recent Fieldwork across Wiltshire
10:35 David Roberts (University of Cardiff) & Alyson Tanner Recent survey and excavation of a Late Iron Age and Roman site at Coombe Bissett
11:05 Sophie Hawke, Wiltshire PAS / Salisbury Museum, Recent Finds reported to the Portable Antiquities Scheme

11:20 Comfort break

11:40 Wil Partridge, Wiltshire Museum - now at Wessex Archaeology, Reflections on a Wealth of Knowledge
This brief talk will reflect on the outcomes of the Wiltshire Museum’s Arts Council Funded A Wealth of Knowledge Project. Highlighting the new insights and processes which have come from the project, as well as the Museum’s new Research Agenda, now available to download from both the Museum’s website, and Historic England’s Research Framework Network.
11:55 David Dawson, Wiltshire Museum, Boles Barrow - a find in the Archaeological Archive
12:05 Alistair Thomson, Wiltshire Archaeology Field Group, Fieldwork and Post-excavation Projects

12:30 Lunch

13:45 Alex Thomson, Cotswold Archaeology, Brandiers Farm Roman Tile Kiln
Cotswold Archaeology coordinated the geophysical survey and community excavation of a Roman tile kiln at Brandiers Farm, in Minety, Wiltshire. Excavation was undertaken over two weeks in July 2022, with the aim of confirming the presence of the kiln, to record its structure and dating, and if possible, to place it within the wider network of known Roman tile kilns in northern Wiltshire and beyond. This talk will cover the results of the fieldwork and provide an overview of work planned for the future.
14:15 Andy Hood, Foundations Archaeology, Willis Way, Purton: Emerging evidence for an extensive Roman villa complex
Recent excavation at Willis Way has revealed the remains of a substantial and well-appointed Roman timber building. The forthcoming publication of this project has provided an opportunity to disseminate details of hitherto unreported earlier investigations within the site, which identified the remains of an important high-status Roman cemetery.
14:40 Alistair Barclay and Steve Bush, Cotswold Archaeology, Uncovering a major Bronze Age barrow cemetery at Netherhampton Road, Salisbury
Cotswold Archaeology is currently investigating a dozen round barrows of probable Beaker and Early Bronze Age date ahead of a new residential development between the village of Netherhampton and the Harnham suburb of south Salisbury. Unlike the well-preserved earthworks of Salisbury Plain and Cranborne Chase nearly all of the barrows have been ploughed flat.  The cemetery is made up of various clusters of barrows and is unusual in that it spreads across the slope of the chalk downs and onto the valley floor of the River Nadder.

15:05 Tea

15:35 Tim Darvill, University of Bournemouth, Scaling Up Human Henge
16:00 Richard Osgood, Defence Infrastructure Organisation, Aldbourne - Band of Brothers revisited

16:25 Thanks and Close

There will be a sale of high quality pre-owned archaeological publications at bargain prices. Please bring some sturdy bags for your purchases!

There will also be stands from a range of organisations including archaeological contractors and groups such as the Association of Roman Archaeology and Victoria County History


Booking Essential: Tickets must be purchased in advance and include lunch and tea/coffee. In previous years, we have sold all the available tickets.

  • Non-Member - £37.50
  • Member - £27.50
  • Student - £17.50 (with proof of status)

Sunday 26 March; 10.00am to 5pm (lunch included).

Terms and Conditions
Unless sold out, bookings will close at 9 am on 23 March to allow confirmation of catering.  To be added to the waiting list please email

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