A Scout Uniform, Shalbourne (Marlborough) Troop, which once belonged to archaeologist and TV broadcaster, Phil Harding. Alongside a picture of Phil and a friend in said uniform, performing scout duites in the 1960s.
The uniform and acompanyments include:
- brown shirt with various badges, including 'archaeologist' badge
- leather belt
- hat with accompamying badges
- green and yellow scarf
- leather woggle
- knife in leather sheaf
- penknife on a piece of rope
- garters for socks
- whistle
- compass
- hankerchief in Band-Aid box for emergency first aid
- small piece of rope with 7 knots in it (one for every day of the week - to record a good deed done every day)
- two red and green flags and booklet commemorating the 1966 International Jamboree at Ogborne St. George on 31st July 1966
- laminated card listing The Scout Law and Scout Promise
- Prayers for use in the Brotherhood of Scouts
- 'Scouting for Boys' by Lord Baden-Powell
- Boy Scout Enrolement Card for Philip Anthony Harding, Shalbourne Troop, 12 January 1962, age 11
Volunteer Tabitha has virtually been exploring links in collection, both locally and nationally. You can see a history of the Boys Scout Association throughout the 20th Century, especially their efforts during the World Wars, in the wonderful Imperial War Museum collection.