Maryport Street, Devizes, Wiltshire. (photograph)


Summary: black and white photograph of Maryport Street, Devizes, Wiltshire. 18 and 19 - Maryport Street, the "then" photograph is looking down the street with shops of various types on either side, including Neate & Sons and T.C Dee, the "Three Crowns" public house can be seen in the left midground, there are two horse and carts, a small hand cart, and bicycles on the left and a group of gentlemen including one with a bicycle in the middle of the street, a lady with a parasol towards the end of the strret and a delivery man in the right background, the "now" photograph shows the "Three Crowns" still serving customers, the building that was to it's left has gone and a new supermarket in it's place although the buildings to the pub's right don't show much change, just more signage, the buildings on the other side of the street appear little changed as well. Part of a "Then and Now" series c. 1970's.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society