3 colour and 21 black and white photographs. Church Road, Froxfield, Wiltshire. (photograph)


Summary: 3 colour and 22 black and white photographs of Church Road and it's inhabitants, Froxfield, Wiltshire. All exterior views, black and white unless stated otherwise. 1 - Aerial view of the higher part of Church Road featuring The Old Rectory, The Vicarage and the church. 2 - looking down onto Church Road, the church, Old Rectory and Mr and Mrs Corley's cottage can be seen, the thatched wall running along Rudge Road has since disappeared. 3 - colour photograph, the School, church and bungalow. 4 - an earlier photograph, early 1900's, looking towards the church. 5 - the cottage opposite the church, once occupied by Mr and Mrs Corley, the memorial cross can be seen in the right foreground. 6, 7 and 8 - views of the front and side elevations of The Old Rectory, occupied by the Misses Bleek then Mrs Peggy Wickham until 1995 and then Mr and Mrs Tilbrook. 6 - the gentleman in the picture is Mr Corley, the groom/gardener in 1930. 7 - the gardener in the picture is Mr Leslie Naish who lived at The Old Bakehouse. 8 - colour photograph looking through the drive gates. 9 - colour photograph, front elevation of The Vicarage. 10 - 16 - members of the Wickham family at The Old Rectory. 10 - Mr and Mrs Michael Wickham and friend, in a motor car, outside the Old Rectory c. 1930's. 11 - a very young John Wickham "helping" Mr Leslie Naish (gardener), in the paddock. 12 - young Mark Wickham watching the geese in the paddock, c. 1941. 13 - Mark Wickham and Georgie Hatter as young boys, sitting on the lawn with an airgun. 14 - a slightly older Mark Wickham with his racing bicycle and the family's black cat. 15 - John and Mark Wickham and friend helping Mr Leslie Naish work on the boat "Sabrina". 16 - standing either side of John Wickham's car, Mark Wickham and cat with his friend Alistair Grant during the winter of 1955. 17 - the pony and trap owned by the Misses Bleek, outside the Old Rectory, Mr Corley can be seen holding the pony's head, c. 1930. 18 - Mrs Sarah Alexander outside her cottage at 22. 19 - Mrs Harry Dixon with daughter Hilda and son Arthur?, standing at the gate of 24. 20 - Mr R Copp and his sister Mrs K Fidler (Mr and Mrs Corley's grandchildren) as children, outside the family cottage. 21 - Mrs Corley outsside the family cottage. 22, 23 and 24 - production of a Christmas card! 22 - Mark Wickham, in his car, towing a waggon from Hopgrass Farm, the waggon was purchased for £5. 23 - Mark Wickham towing the waggon out of the field, watched by Mr Joe Gallagher, Mrs Hilda Naish, Mrs Peggy Wickham and Mrs Mag Norris. 24 - the waggon in situ in the Old Rectory garden with the words "Christmas Greetings".

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society