

Summary: A hoard of English and French Jettons. The hoard consists of seven English and twenty four French / Tournai copper alloy jettons, two billon coins, one of Spain the other of Brittany, and three blank discs. This group of thirty six pieces (plus one other at present separated from the main group) dates from the second half of the 14th century. The loss of these pieces most probably took place within a few years on either side of 1400. The presence of three blank discs suggests that this group may well be part or whole of a working set of counters. The varying patina on some of the pieces suggests that these had been overlapping in the soil after loss. Many of the pieces show varying degrees of wear and edge damage. The French pieces in general are in better condition than those of English origin. In the medieval period Little Cheverell parish was included within the lands of the Bishop of Salisbury. A thirty-seventh jetton, found a little way from the group, and identified later, has also been included. It is highly likely part of the hoard. The hoard was found in Little Cheverell in November 2005.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society