The Hungerford Family: Collections for their Personal History, Vol 1, 1885 (manuscript)


Summary: The Hungerford Family: Collections for their Personal History, Vol 1, 1885/album of manuscripts, family trees and pedigrees, prints and drawings documenting the history of the Hungerford family/compiled by Canon J E Jackson: contains coats of arms, watercolour of the chapel atFarleigh Hungerford, Buck's view of the castle, photograph of J E Jackson, Ms: Walter, Lord Hungerford, receipt and expenses for the year 1428-9; Ms Grant by Edward Hastings, Knight, Boteaux and Hungerford to John Bonham for faithfuly service, an annual rent of 40 shillings issuing out of lands at Warminster for the term of JB's life, 1488

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