

Summary: Wiltshire Romanesque sculpture. Film 111, 10 black and white photographs (2/12 and 12/12 missing). Ditteridge x 1 - Font from north east, General view of church from south east, St Christopher's Church, Ditteridge. Potterne x 8 - Font, Font rim x 4 (Inscription reads "SICUT CERVUS DESIDERAT AD FONTAS AQUARUM ITA DESIDERAT ANIMA MEA AD TE DEUS AMEN" Psalm 42:1 - "As the hart (deer) longs for flowing water so my soul longs for you O God Amen"), Font underside, Cevron fragment, Rim of font from top, St Mary's Church, Potterne2

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society