1 colour photograph. Walter, 18th Lord Hungerford, Farleigh Hungerford, Somerset. (photograph)


Identification note: Annotated on the reverse (very faint), "Mid C 15th, prob Sir Walter, 18th Lord Hungerford, drawing 1844 of damaged, wall painting, Farleigh Hungerford, Chapel".

Summary: 1 colour photograph of an 1844 drawing/painting of the mid 15th century wall painting in Farleigh Hungerford Chapel, probably of Walter, 18th Lord Hungerford. The photograph is of a page in a ?sketch book? showing an incomplete pencil and ?ink/paint? sketch of the damaged wall painting with a colour chart protruding from a lower leaf of the book. It may have been used as a scale by the photographer?

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society