

Summary: Three cards show Marlborough College gates; one also shows a group of pupils in school uniform. Three cards show College Court, Marlborough College; one is a winter scene with snow on the ground. Six cards are of the College chapel; one of these has a 1938 postmark.Three cards are of The Old House with, on the back of two of them, a history of the house before it became the first building of Marlborough College in 1843. Three cards are of the Memorial Hall; one of these also shows the Chapel in the background. One card shows Marlborough College, New Buildings. One card is of the Bowling Green, Marlborough College with a 1908 postmark on the back. One card shows the Rose Garden. Two cards are of the Museum block. Four cards are "Frith's Series", published by Lucy and Co of Marlborough.Three cards are Valentines "Browntype" series and one Valentine's "sepiatype" series. Four cardswere produced by Photochrom Co. Ltd., London and Tunbridge Wells.

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Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society