George Eliot and Devizes

During work in our Library and Archive, one of our volunteers discovered some interesting connections between George Eliot and Devizes. Newspaper cuttings of Eliot’s visit to Devizes, alongside ‘The George Eliot Fellowship Review (number 7)’ a postcard of her birthplace. Read the volunteer’s account below: 22 November 2019 saw the

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Iron Age Carved Heads

Student volunteer Sasha has done some research on one of her favourite objects in the Museum. Around Europe, what are commonly referred to as ‘stone heads’, are frequently found, often in areas that are known to have been lived in by Celts. Stone heads are effectively stone carvings of heads

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Roman Civilisation in the South-West

The Roman Empire, by the beginning of the Common Era, had become one of the largest Empires on Earth, rivaled only by the Parthian Empire of the Near-East and the Han Empire of China. However, the political and social doctrine of the Empire necessitated continuous growth into surrounding areas. Britain,

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Battle of Roundway Down

England.  1642.  The First English Civil War has just begun with King Charles I  fleeing London to Oxford after attempting to arrest members of Parliament on charges of treason.  Both groups, Parliamentarians and Royalists began to recruit troops to fight against each-other. By 1643, the Civil War had become a

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The Saxons

In order to understand the Anglo-Saxon origins of the modern English, it is necessary to understand the extent of their continental cousins and the extent of their expansion in Europe. Before the Saxons could be classed as two seperate group (Old-Saxons and Anglo-Saxons) they existed as one Low-German people.  Situated

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Thomas Lawrence – the ‘go to’ Georgian portrait painter from Devizes

Thomas Lawrence was born in Bristol in 1769 and moved to Devizes in 1773, when his father became landlord of the Bear Hotel. Devizes was on the coaching route from London to the fashionable spa at Bath and many important people stayed at the Bear Hotel. At the age of

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Bush Barrow dagger

This dagger was buried with the Bush Barrow Chieftain who died in about 1950BC. The  blade is made of bronze but the pommel is one of the most remarkable Bronze Age finds in Britain, decorated with microscopic gold studs set in a zig-zag pattern. The Bush Barrow Chieftain was buried

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Musical instrument made from human tibia

A human thigh bone, crafted into a musical instrument. Found with a male Bronze Age burial at Wilsford, close to Stonehenge. Radiocarbon dating of this musical instrument suggests that it belonged to someone this person knew during their lifetime The end of the femur was carefully worked to make it

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First use of a trowel in Archaeology – Bush Barrow

When asked about the first use of a trowel by an archaeologist, we had to tell the fascinating story of the excavation of Bush Barrow, close to Stonehenge. In 1808 William Cunnington led the excavation of this impressive burial mound, one of 50 on Normanton Down, looking out over Stonehenge.

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Inspired by Bush Barrow

Golden Lozenge and Belt Hook - Margaret Marsden Less than half a mile to the south of Stonehenge on the top of the Normanton Down ridge, lies Bush Barrow - Britain’s richest Bronze Age burial. The barrow is raised over the burial of Cheiftan and was first recorded by

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