Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society

The Wiltshire Museum is owned and run by the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, a Registered Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee. The Society was formed in 1853 to establish a Museum and Library and for the promotion and study of objects connected with Wiltshire.

Today the Objects of the Society are “to educate the public by promoting, fostering interest in, exploration, research and publication on the archaeology, art, history and natural history of Wiltshire for the public benefit”. These aims are achieved through the Wiltshire Museum, a programme of conferences, lectures and events, a learning and outreach programme for children and schools, enabling access to our object, library and archive collections for academic and general researchers, supporting the Wiltshire Archaeology Field Group, promoting industrial archaeology, monitoring listed building planning applications and publishing the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine (WANHM).

The Society is governed by Articles of Association and has a Board of Trustees. As a member of the Society, you can attend the Annual General Meeting as well as receiving our prestigious Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine.

To support our vital educational work and the long-term care of our nationally important collections please consider becoming a member.

Latest news

Could you be our next Chair? Come and meet us on Sat 13 January for find out more.

We are looking for a new Chair to lead the Museum and our ambitious Assizes for Devizes project Wiltshire Archaeological

Project team for Assizes for Devizes!

Meet the Project team on the Assizes for Devizes: unlocking Wiltshire's stories! Nicola, Claire and Helen will be working on the

On now

Oexmann Art Award Competition and Exhibition 2024

Born in or living in Wiltshire?  Then why not enter the Oexmann Art Competition -…


Copyright: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society
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